Financially Supported by HCA2005

Gyldendal / The Danish Language and Literature Society
"ANDERSEN - H.C. Andersens samlede værke" (ANDERSEN - the collected works of Hans Christian Andersen). A Danish version of Andersen?s collected works are to be published for the first time since 1879 in joint collaboration between the Gyldendal publishing house and the Danish Language and Literature Society. Andersen's 18-volume collected works, edited by Klaus P. Mortensen, features more than 9000 pages. The work will be published in six cassettes over three years. The first cassette with the first three volumes ("Fairytales and Stories I-III") was issued on 28 October 2003. The remaining volumes will be published in succession up until the autumn of 2006. The collected works present everything that Hans Christian Andersen has printed or staged in Danish throughout his amazingly productive life. Each volume is illustrated with a large selection of drawings, paper cuts and collages from Andersen?s own hand. When the last volume in the 18-volume series has been published, the collected works will represent the largest single publication of the poets work in Danish since "Samlede Skrifter", which was a 33-volume publication released between 1854 and 1879. The new work will additionally feature two important autobiographical works that have not previously been included in the collected works, namely Hans Christian Andersen's "Levnedsbogen" and "The Fairy Tale of My Life".

Gyldendal / Berlingske Tidende
"Den første - danske - turist i Europa" (The First - Danish - Tourist in Europe). Assistant professor in Nordic Literature, Lars Handesten, will follow Hans Christian Andersen on his journeys as featured in his dairies, letters, travel books and novels. With special emphasis given to "Shadow images - Hans Christian Andersen's Journey to Dresden and Saxon Switzerland 1831" and "A Poet's Bazaar", Lars Handesten invites us on a journey through Europe in pursuit of differences and commonalities between the time of Andersen and the current age. The book takes the form of 4 essay-like travelogues addressed to Danish national daily Berlingske Tidende. In the autumn of 2005, a complete edition will be published in the form of a travel book. /

Gyldendal / Jens Andersen
Danish author and literary scholar Jens Andersen has published a large and well researched Hans Christian Andersen biography that sheds light on both Andersen?s life and authorship, from his humble upbringing to his triumphant journeys through Europe. The biography is the result of several years of research and bares witness to Jens Andersen's enthusiasm and engaging narrative. "ANDERSEN - En biografi" (ANDERSEN - A Biography), which was published by Gyldendal on 27 November 2003, is a highly original and evocative book which brings Andersen's story to life. Jens Andersen?s nuanced portrayal of Hans Christian Andersen challenges the widespread image of a mild poet with a childish imagination; a notion almost blind to the darker sides of the poet's life. We all know that to attain fame you have to endure great hardship, but that Andersen had suffered such poverty and torment few had realised. The stories Jens Andersen draws from the archives on the social depravity and squalor of Odense in the early 19th century will surprise the most. Jens Andersen casts light on new sides of Hans Christian Andersen's life and work, which is why his Andersen biography has established itself as an important prerequisite prior to the celebration of the bicentenary of the birth of the poet in 2005. The bicentenary will be celebrated throughout Denmark and the world and seeks to promote as wider and more variegated understanding and appreciation of the author. The biography will be published in German and English among other languages.

The press wrote:

"Jens Andersen has achieved an amazing feat. It leaves you with a Hans Christian Andersen who seems closer, greater and even more living but no less enigmatic. Truly in a class of it is own. A new, captivating and saturated portrayal of Andersen - on a grand scale - has seen the light of day here in 2003."
Niels Barfoed, Weekendavisen

"This humongous biography is overwhelming and amazingly accomplished. Never before have so many facts about Hans Christian Andersen been served on one platter, and never have facts been served up so well... he is gifted with an exceptional talent for writing."
Thomas Bredsdorff, Politiken

"The best and most comprehensive Andersen biography to date."
Fyens Stiftstidende

"Superb reading of coherence between life and work"
Christa Leve Poulsen, Børsen

"An engaging story that frees your imagination. Jens Andersen portrays Andersen's world-famous success story more elaborately than any of his predecessors... it is eminently done."
Niels Birger Wamberg, Berlingske Tidende

"When the last page has been turned in this almost 1000-page biography, it leaves you enriched and moved."
Doris Ottesen, Kristeligt Dagblad

Høst & Søn / Louis Jensen
"Tinhjerte og ællingefjer" (Tin Heart and Duckling Feathers). Danish author Louis Jensen has written an unorthodox Andersen biography for upper-grade schoolchildren. The story of Andersen is featured as a conversation between father and son. The Hans Christian Andersen 2005 Foundation has made the book available to all Danish elementary schools in the form of class sets, which will be distributed to country educational resource centres. All Danish elementary schools received two promotional copies when the book was first published. The book is primarily an educational resource for elementary schools but is equally well suited for home use. "Tinhjerte og ællingefjer" is featured at the education section of the official Hans Christian Andersen 2005 website ( where an article by Jens Raahauge on the issue of Andersen teaching has been made available. The book was published by Høst & Søn on 1 September 2004. 

The press wrote:

"Well done. The story flows beautifully and thoughtfully over the pages - a good and pleasant reading experience."
Tonny Hansen,

"...amazingly professionally and appetizingly communicated."
Henrik Schovsbo, Fyens Stiftstidende

"A stroke of genius..."
Hans-Christian Uth, DBC

"Louis Jensen has created a wholesome, cunning and eminently readable school book about Hans Christian Andersen, which will be issued to all elementary schools in Denmark as a gift to the general public, fortunately."
Lars Bukdahl, Weekendavisen

"An interpretation and sympathetic insight into the man and artist Hans Christian Andersen; into his time and his contemporary significance."
Line Beck Rasmussen, Standart

"It is pure pleasure! (...) Very straightforward yet refined..."
Doris Ottesen, Kristeligt Dagblad

The Royal Library / Gyldendal
"Digterens og balletmesterens luner - H.C. Andersens og August Bournonvilles korrespondance" (The Poet's and Ballet Master's Caprice - Hans Christian Andersen and August Bournonville's Correspondence). Published and annotated by senior researcher Dr. Phil Knud Arne Jürgensen. The publication features a large amount of material on their respective views of art and theatre. The book will be published Mai 1st 2005 in connection with the bicentenary of both Andersen and Bournonville. Publisher: Gyldendal. /

The Royal Library / Jytte Hilden
Project Management: Deputy Director Steen Bille Larsen and former Minister of Culture Jytte Hilden.
Hans Christian Andersen was Danish and an eccentric. All through life he cherished all that was lopsided and botched and was a great connoisseur of the human heart. That is why he is the world's number one fairytale storyteller and is loved around the world. In celebration of the Andersen bicentenary, the Royal Library celebrates the poet by publishing a fairytale book targeting the many immigrants in Denmark; a gift to the families who originally came from afar. The book features six fairytales in Danish (if you read the book from page one) and the same six fairytales translated into six languages if you read the book backwards, i.e. Arabic, Turkish, Bosnian, Urdu, Somali and Farsi. The six fairytales are "The Ugly Duckling", "The Princess on the Pea", "Clumsy Hans", "The Nightingale", "Once Upon a Time", and "The Tinder Box". 3 March 2005.

The University Press of Southern Denmark/ Thorkild Borup Jensen
"H.C. Andersens eventyr i billeder - En illustrationshistorie" (Hans Christian Andersen's Fairytales Illustrated - A History of Illustration). MA Thorkild Borup Jensen has written a research-based book on illustrations created for Andersen?s fairytales through more than 160 years. The book studies how Andersen?s fairytales have been perceived across time and culture and focuses on what the illustrations convey. Examples include drawings by Lorenz Frølich, Fritz Syberg and Herluf Jensenius. Moreover, the book features a chapter with interviews with two leading Andersen interpreters, Ib Spang Olsen and Lilian Brøgger, who represent two different generations of illustrators. The interviews address Andersen's own approach to illustration.
The book interprets Andersen's fairytales from three different thematic perspectives: the fairytales of small creatures, light-hearted gimmickry and fairytales of deep gravity. The featured fairytale illustrations from the 1830s onwards represent "The Ugly Duckling", "Thumbelina", "Big Claus, Little Claus", "The Swineherd", "The Steadfast Tin Soldier", "The Little Mermaid", and the "Nightingale", among others. The book was published 7 December 2004.

The press wrote:

"It is not only a delight to behold the many pages of this diverse book, which sets out to prove the wide scope of Andersen's work, it is also a pleasure to immerse yourself in Borup Jensen's presentation of the sharp-eyed image-maker Hans Christian Andersen..."
Jens Andersen, Berlingske Tidende

The University Press of Southern Denmark / Max Ipsen
In the three texts "The Improvisatore", "A Journey on Foot" and "Shadow images - Hans Christian Andersen's Journey to Dresden and Saxon Switzerland 1831", Andersen readdresses the narrative principles of the novel and the travel book genre. The analysis questions the widely held notion of Andersen as a naive natural talent and offers in its place an image of Andersen as a literary conscious and reflective author. By Ph.D. Max Ipsen. Will be published during the second half-year of 2005.

The ANIS Publishing House
Andersen & Gud - Teologiske læsninger i H.C. Andersens forfatterskab" (Andersen & God - Theological Readings of Hans Christian Andersen?s Authorship). The ANIS publishing house has published a series of articles addressing the issue of Andersen in relation to religion. The book is edited by church historian Ph.D. Carsten Bach-Nielsen and author MA Doris Ottesen. Contributors and subjects:
Carsten Bach-Nielsen: 1. "Skitser til et jubilæumsbillede" (Sketches for a Bicentennial Portrait) 2. Svend Bjerg: "Troldspejlet" (The Magic Mirror) 3. Kirsten M. Andersen: "Natursyner" (Visions of Nature) 4. Hans Hauge: "Fantasiens tragedie: Andersen læst med Løgstrup" (The Tragedy of the Imagination: A Løgstrup Reading of Andersen) 5. Niels Kofoed: "Den religiøse fritænker" (The Religious Freethinker) 6. Dorris Ottesen: "Den røde tråd" (The Red Thread) 7. Finn O. Hvidberg-Hansen: "Mellem derwisher, jøder og katolikker" (Among Dervishes, Jews and Catholics) 8. Lisbeth Smedegaard Andersen: "Om salmedigteren H.C. Andersen" (On the Psalm Writer Hans Christian Andersen) 9. Gudmund Rask Pedersen: "H.C. Andersen i prædikenen. Eventyr og evangelium" (Hans Christian Andersen in the Sermon - Fairytale and the Gospel) 10. Jacob Bøggild: "Nåde for nåde" (Mercy begets Mercy) 11. Monica Papazu: "Himmelsk og jordisk kærlighed i H.C. Andersens eventyr" (Heavenly and Earthly Love in Hans Christian Andersen?s Fairytales) 12. Leif Bork Hansen: "Det værgeløse menneske. Andersen og Kirkegaard - og den moderne civilisations krise" (Defenceless Man. Andersen and Kierkegaard - The Modern Crisis of Civilisation) 13. Annelise Søndengaard: "Thi himmeriget er deres..." (For they are the Blessed...) The book has been published.

The press wrote:

"This book is a revolution in itself (...) The title itself, which couples 'theology' with Andersen, is clear-cut break from established research tradition, which is reason enough to purchase the book for your night table."
Kathrine Lilleør, Berlingske Tidende
Gyldendal / The Odense City Museums
"Astrid Stampes Billedbog" (Astrid Stampe's Picture Book). Andersen's imaginative picture book created as a childhood gift for Astrid Stampe and featuring scraps, paper cuts and writing, has been published in its entirety in an original, facsimile version.
Karsten Eskildsen, curator at the Odense City Museums, who edited the publication, states:
"The book is an illustration of the interest Hans Christian Andersen had in the world and in the people around him and is quite educational not only in relation to Andersen but regarding life as such since it is such an evocative work that will inevitably stir you."
Astrid Stampe's Picture Book is a facsimile copy of the original, which was purchased by the Odense City Museums in 1998 for the amount of DKK 3.5 million. The book features paper cuts and poems by Hans Christian Andersen collected by his close friend, Adolf Drewsen, who gave the book to his grandchild Astrid on her first birthday on 19 December 1853.
Both Hans Christian Andersen and Adolf Drewsen were crazy about picture books and often sojourned to snip and glue. Both collected cuttings from illustrated magazines and news papers, and Astrid Stampe?s Picture Book features a wealth of these cuttings. The book was published in 2003. 

The Frankfurt Book Fair (Germany)
Two days were dedicated to Hans Christian Andersen at the Danish stand at the Frankfurt Book Fair. The stand had been created in collaboration with the Danish Literature Centre. The fair also featured an exhibition of Hans Christian Andersen illustrations by the German Nobel Prize winner Günter Grass, who opened the exhibition himself. October 2004.

The University Press of Southern Denmark / Dag Heede
In "Hjertebrødre. Krigen om H.C. Andersens seksualitet" (Bosom Brothers. The Controversy over Hans Christian Andersen's Sexuality), MA, associate professor and Ph.D. Dag Heede offers a new analysis of Hans Christian Andersen?s novels "The Improvisatore" and "O.T.". His hypothesis is that categorizing Andersen as homosexual is both erroneous and an anachronism. The objective of his analysis is to relativise the concepts adopted in the hermeneutic approach to gender, desire and friendship in contemporary society. The work features a selective research overview followed by analysis of the novels from a post-feminist and queer theory angle. The book will also feature other examples of Andersen's literature.

The University Press of Southern Denmark
An analysis of the reception of Hans Christian Andersen in as different countries as the USA and Japan by professor Finn Hauberg Mortensen. Through interviews and other sources, the book establishes how socialisation, family sociology and contemporary history influence our interpretations. The book will be published in 2005.

Rasol Farhang-khah
The Iranian author and former archaeologist at the National Museum in Teheran, Rasol Farhang-khah, has lived in Denmark for 18 years and has over this period written 8 books in Persian on subjects such as Danish history, Danish authors and Iranian art in Denmark. He now publishes a book on the life and contemporary society of Hans Christian Andersen. The book is targeted at Persian-speaking people in Denmark. The book has been published.

Borgens Forlag
"Det er ganske vist - H.C. Andersen i nye klæder" (It's Quite True - Hans Christian Andersen in New Clothes). Contemporary Danish authors have created new fairytales inspired by one of Hans Christian Andersen's fairytales. The authors include Peter Adolphsen, Naja Marie Aidt, Claus Beck-Nielsen, Jens Blendstrup, Kirsten Hammann, Helle Helle, Christina Hesselholdt, Thøger Jensen, Jan Sonnergaard, Morten Søndergaard, Pablo Henrik Llambías, Merete Pryds Helle and Charlotte Weitze.

The University of Vienna / Edition Praesens (Austria)
"Reisen ist leben, dann wird das Leben reich und lebendig - Der dänische Dicther Hans Christian Andersen und Österreich" (To Travel is to Live, then Life is Rich and Living - The Danish Poet Hans Christian Andersen and Austria). An illustrated book in German that gives an account of Andersen's six travels to Austria between 1834 and 1842 as well as his friendship with a number of Austrian cultural notorieties. New light is cast on Andersen as a traveller and the different strategies he employed in relating his travelling experience. The author is the Danish-born Andersen scholar Sven H. Rossel. The book was published in 2004. /

The Cultural Affairs Directorate of the Chilean Ministry for Foreign Affairs (Chile)
Neruda/Andersen: The book "Andersen answers Neruda" will be published in joint collaboration with the Cultural Affairs Directorate of the Chilean Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The book features an imagined dialogue between Chilean poet Pablo Neruda and Hans Christian Andersen where Andersen answers the queries Neruda poses in his work "The Book of Questions" (El Libro de Preguntas) from 1974. Here Neruda poses a number of paradoxical questions that he seeks to answer with his own poems. In "Andersen answers Neruda" the questions will be answered using texts by Hans Christian Andersen. The entire text will be featured in both Spanish and Danish and will thus grant readers the opportunity to experience the authors in their original language. Curator at the Hans Christian Andersen Museum, Karsten Eskildsen, and author Johannes Møllehave have selected the Andersen quotes. The book will be published in Chile in early 2005 and will later be made available in an all-Danish version by the publishing house Lindhardt & Ringhof.

Logo Cooperations

Puella's Edition ApS
Project Manager: Peter Jensen.
"The Little Book about Hans Christian Andersen", picture book, 144 pages. The book focuses on the fairytale poet as the world citizen he truly was. Using quotes from his diaries and illustrations depicting the world he would have seen it today, the book sheds contemporary and unorthodox light on the storyteller. The book series "The Little Book About" also includes "The Little Book About Denmark/Dänemark" (English/German) and "The Little book about Copanhagen/København" (English/Danish).

Polistampa (Italy)
Project Manager: Ivan Z. Sørensen.
The Florentine publishing house Polistampa will issue a small publication entitled "Hans Christian Andersen in Florenc". Hans Christian Andersen visited the town and wrote, among other things, the fairytale "The Metal Pig" with reference to the city. The book is authored by Ivan Z. Sørensen, former Assistant Professor at the University of Florence and now Director of the Karen Blixen Museum.

Kjeld Heltoft / Christian Ejlers' Forlag
Project Manager: Kjeld Heltoft.
Kjeld Heltoft's "H.C. Andersen som billedkunstner" (Hans Christian Andersen as Visual Artist) will be reissued by the publishing house Christian Ejlers' Forlag in the bicentennial year. The book has been revised and expanded and will feature drawings which have now been lost as well as a preface by Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark. The book will furthermore be published in English.

DSB / Ud & Se
Project Manager: Julie Bondo Gravesen
The Danish State Railway passenger magazine, Ud & Se, has forged alliance with the People?s Press in launching a project entitled "H.C. Anderledes" ("H.C. Alternative"), which features 12 new fairytales to be published in the monthly magazine throughout 2005. They will later be published in book form. 12 contemporary authors have been asked to select a Hans Christian Andersen title and write a new tale to go with it. Each fairytale/short story will be illustrated by leading Danish illustrators. The January issue featured Pia Juul?s short story "What the Old Man Does is Always Right", which was illustrated Wendy Plowmand and Lisa Grue from Underwerket. The February issue featured Jan Sonnergaard?s "The Little Mermaid" with illustrations by Jan Callesen.
The other 10 authors and tales are:
Iselin Hermann // The Flying Trunk
Ib Michael // To be or not to be: that is the question
Preben Major Sørensen // Dance, Dance Doll of Mine!
Suzanne Brøgger // The Shadow
Line Knutzon // She was Good For Nothing
Bent Vinn Nielsen // The Tinderbox
Peter Laugesen // The Improvisatore
Kristian Ditlev Jensen // The Emperor's New Clothes
Lars Frost // The Little Matchgirl
Naja Marie Aidt // The Fir Tree

The Hans Christian Andersen Cultural 'Relay Race'
Project Manager: MA Mia Rendix.
A cultural 'relay race' will be organized on Funen in association with the Danish State Railway passenger magazine Ud & Se. Six Danish authors (Jan Sonnergaard, Bent Vinn Nielsen,  Suzanne Brøgger, Ib Michael, Preben Major Sørensen, Iselin Hermann) will revisit selected Andersen fairytales, which will be featured in the monthly issues of the magazine. Additionally, each story will be recited by the respective authors at six different events to be held at the manor farms on Funen frequented by Andersen. Each event will be followed by a public lecture and free discussion. The current list of speakers include Jens Andersen, Kathrine Lilleør, Johannes Møllehave, Bjarne Nielsen Brovst and Susse Wold. The cultural 'relay race' will be followed up by the publishing of a book featuring the six new fairytales in addition to transcripts of the lectures.

The Anaya Publishing House (Spain)
The Spanish publishing house Anaya will publish a book series entitled "Seies premios nacionales ilustran a Andersen". The six Spanish award-winning illustrators Pablo Amargo, Montse Ginesta, Luis de Horna, Max, Isidro Ferrer and Gusti will illustrate the fairytales "The Sweet Hearts", "The Emperor's New Clothes", "The Snow Man", "The Jumpers", "Children's Prattle", and "Clumsy Hans". The six books will be published in a box set on 2 April 2005.

Câmara de Comércio Dinamarquês (Brazil)
Contact person: Jens Olesen.
Andersen?s fairytale "The Ugly Duckling" (O patinho feio) has been published in Braille in six million copies targeting Spanish readers with impaired eyesight.

Routledge / Jack Zipes (USA)
Contact person: William Germano, Vice-President and Publishing Director.
Jack Zipes: "The Misunderstood Storyteller". Despite Andersen's fame, very few serious critical studies have been conducted regarding the influence of his work on literature in general and the fairytale genre in particular. The American professor Jack Zipes, one of the world?s leading fairytale scholars, has studied Hans Christian Andersen for more than 35 years and has written on the subject of Andersen's life and work in many different contexts. However, the new book to be published on the anniversary of Andersen?s birthday, 2 April 2005 is the first comprehensive publication of his thought on Andersen. New approaches and analyses of Andersen-related films are adopted in Zipes' new outlook on the reception of Hans Christian Andersen in the English-speaking world both within literature and on screen.
"Most American and British readers have the wrong impressioin of who Andersen was and why he wrote fairytales and this has been hugely influential in the English-speaking countries." (Jack Zipes).
Jack Zipes revisits the myth of Hans Christian Andersen and reveals disturbing aspects of Andersen's life and work".
Jack Zipes, born 1937, is professor of German studies at the University of Minnesota, USA.
He is an acclaimed translator and expert in children's literature and culture. His most recent books include "Beautiful Angiola" and "The Robber with the Witch's Head", which are both published by the US-based Routledge publishing house which is one of the world's leading English-language publishers within social sciences and the humanities.