Throughout the many years Hans Christian Andersen spent in Copenhagen, unlike Søren Kierkegaard, he did not own a house or an independent flat. He rented one or more rooms from a landlady or stayed - sometimes for long periods - in hotels.

Addresses were as follows:

1819 (6 September) arrived in Copenhagen and found lodgings at an inn in Vestergade (now no 18).

(September) lodged at Ulkegaden 108, first floor (later Holmensgade no. 8, now Bremerholm; the house was demolished 1932). His landlady was a widow and midwife, Marie Sophie Thorgesen. The neighbourhood was a notorious red-light district. However, the house at no. 108, which had known better days, was occupied by lower middle-class families.

1821 around 1 September Andersen took lodgings at Ulkegaden 108, second floor, now with the wife of a naval officer, madam Caroline Henckel.

1822 Hans Christian Andersen moved with madam Henckel to Dybensgade 167 (later no. 20, the corner of Nikolajgade).

1827 When Hans Christian Andersen was removed form Meisling's school at Elsinore, he had lodgings in the garret at Vingaardsstræde 132 (later no. 6). His landlady was one Mrs. Schwartz.

1828 moves to Store Kongensgade 33 (no. 9), third floor, with Mrs. Charlotte Schrøder (here the philosopher Friedrich Wilhelm Schelling had lodged during a stay in Copenhagen and even slept in the bed Hans Christian Andersen was given). The house was demolished in 1904.

1834 After his return from his grand tour 1833-34 Andersen on 10 August moved in with the Wulff family at Søkadetakademiet ( the naval college), which since 1827 was placed at Bredgade 183 (now no. 76)

In September Hans Christian Andersen moved to Nyhavn 280 (now no. 20) on the Charlottenborg side. His landlady was the widow of a ship's captain, with four children, one Karen Sofie Larsen. Here Hans Christian Andersen was given two rooms on the second floor, one facing the street, and one the backyard.

1838 Hans Christian Andersen moved to Hotel du Nord, on the corner of Vingaardsstræde and Kongens Nytorv, where the department store Magasin du Nord is now placed. The name of his landlord was Jørgensen. Here Hans Christian Andersen had two rooms in the attic, one facing the yard and one the street with a view of the Royal Theatre. He lived here till 13 May 1847, when he set out on his first trip to England.

1847 1 October moved to Store Kongensgade no. 49, a low house on the corner of St. Kongensgade and Dronningens Tværgade (demolished 1934). Here he was given two rooms on the second floor. He lived here till 11 May 1848.

1848 Between visits to manor houses and Sorø during the summer, Hans Christian Andersen stayed with his friend, Captain Christian Wulff, Amaliegade 141 (now no. 37) from 27 June to 24 August.

On 1 October Hans Christian Andersen took rooms with innkeeper and ship's captain Johannes Anholm in Nyhavn, the present no. 67 (on the sunny side). Here he was given three rooms on the second floor. In this house P.A. Heiberg's father in law, a maritime evaluer, Johan Buntzen, had lived, and when Heiberg was banished from Denmark, Thomasine (later the writer known as Mrs. Gyllembourg) moved in here with her son Johan Ludvig. On and off Hans Christian Andersen remained here til 13 September 1865 (after 1860 with the widow madam Anholm as his landlady).

1860 After a trip abroad and a subsequent stay at Basnæs and Holsteinborg Hans Christian Andersen moved to the Hotel d'Angleterre on 23 November. He was given two rooms on the ground floor at the corner of Kgs. Nytorv and Østergade (Strøget).

1861 On 4 January Hans Christian Andersen moved to the corner of St. Annæ Plads and Toldbodgade, where he was given two rooms on the ground floor. He only stayed there till 4 April, when he went abroad.

On 1 September he moved back to madam Anholm at Nyhavn 67.

1865 after his return from his journey to Sweden, Hans Christian Andersen took rooms at the Hotel d'Angleterre on 13 October. First he was given a room in the rear building facing a garden, but he could not stand the quiet here. On 15 October he was given two "nice little rooms" (the diary) on the second floor of the hotel, facing Kgs. Nytorv.

1866 After a Christmas stay at Holsteinborg and Basnæs he again went to Hotel d'Angleterre, now in two rooms on the first floor (the violinist Ole Bull had been given his former rooms on the second floor).

On 9 September he was back from his journey to Portugal. The Melchior family lodged him at their country house in Østerbro, Rolighed (near the lime kiln).

On 28 October Hans Christian Andersen was back in Copenhagen after his stay at Holsteinborg and Basnæs and moved into his new rooms facing Kgs. Nytorv, Lille Kongensgade 1, third floor, at photographer Thora Hallager. As the rooms at madam Anholm's had been rented with furniture, Hans Christian Andersen had to buy his own furniture here, thus for the first time his own bed, which cost 100 rigsdaler, and about which he said that it would be his "deathbed". On the ground floor was Mini's café (later à Porta). Hans Christian Andersen lived here till 16 June 1869.

1869 During the summer Hans Christian Andersen stayed at Basnæs, with the Melchiors at Rolighed and with the family Henriques at Petershøj near Klampenborg.

On 25 August Hans Christian Andersen moved to d'Angleterre facing Kgs. Nytorv on the second floor.

1870 During the trip to Algiers of the Melchior family, Hans Christian Andersen accepted their offer of moving into their flat at Højbroplads 21, second floor. He lived here form 13 March to 21 May.

On 19 September, after a stay at Rolighed, Hans Christian Andersen moved into new lodgings, a small hotel called "Kronprindsesse Lovisa" at Tordenskjoldsgade 17, first floor, where he took two rooms with the Misses Marie Charlotte and Emerentze Rossing. He stayed there till 29 April 1871. For a time Carsten Hauch lived on the ground floor in the same pension, while his family were at Hellebæk.

1871 Having moved from Tordenskjoldsgade on 29 April, Hans Christian Andersen stayed at d'Angleterre till 7 May, after which he took turns between the manors of Espe and Basnæs, Rolighed, and a trip to Sweden and Norway and then again Rolighed.

On 23 October he moved to Miss Hallager, now in her new private hotel at Nyhavn 18, where he was given two rooms and an anteroom on the first floor. He stayed here till 12 April 1873.

1873 Returned from a trip abroad, Hans Christian Andersen first stayed at Rolighed from 28 July till 9 September.

On 9 September he moved back to his rooms at Nyhavn 18, now with the Misses Clara and Caroline Ballin as landladies.

1874 Partly at Rolighed, partly at Nyhavn 18.

1875 The Melchior family fetched Hans Christian Andersen to Rolighed on 12 June to nurse him there during his last illness. He died at Rolighed on 4 August.


© 2002 Johan de Mylius, The Hans Christian Andersen Center