The Beautiful Legend
Shenyang Acrobatic Troupe

An acrobatic show based on the artistic interpretation of famous Andersen stories.

The Hans Christian Andersen Castle Concerts
Project manager: Orchestral leader Kim Bohr-Christensen of the Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra.

The Danish National Broadcasting Corporation, DR, has scheduled a number of Andersen-related Castle Concerts in 2005 with the Danish Radio Symphony Orchestra and a cast of international stars. The premiere will be at Egeskov Castle, which will host a DR Castle Concert for the first time. All the concerts will be televised by DR.

Andersen Centre
Educational entertainment park in Beijing
Producer: Beijing Century Jinlai Education & Culture Development Company

The creation of a place in the memory and honor of Andersen that focuses on education and research on childhood from a literary point of departure. By uniting the best from the academic and pedagogical worlds, the Hans Christian Andersen Center will be developed into a platform for the study and diffusion of how literature is an essential instrument for preparing children to understand the world.

As such, the Hans Christian Andersen Center will be a new and dynamic institution in the development of a modern Chinese approach to children education. To support this vision, it will be equipped with facilities that can bring together a wide range of experts from different professional backgrounds and create an un-preceded synergy. These include a library, study and research units, a museum on children and children's art, an international exchange forum, a publishing house, post education programs etc.

The intension is to make the Hans Christian Andersen Center a living place that on the one hand is accessible to the general public through its outwards activities, on the other hand becomes a driving force for improving the conditions of children in China through its academic projects.
(co-branding project)

The opening ceremony (in the County of West Zealand)
PROJECT MANAGER: Art Commissioner Hardy Granhøj Jørgensen

The County of West Zealand will mark the opening of the Andersen bicentenary with an event at the Sorø Academy. The opening event will feature as a local popular celebration of the bicentenary of the birth of the Danish poet and will include entertainment by leading Danish actors and actresses.

The event will also include a new symphonic performance of Hans Christian Andersen's poems set to music by Danish composer Per Nørgård.

Throughout his life, Andersen sought inspiration from his numerous visits to manor farms and estates in the County of West Zealand. We know that he visited at least 12 estates, often travelling from one to the other. These visits inspired him in his writing of poems and fairytales. One example is the world-famous fairytale The Ugly Duckling.

Andersen enjoyed full hospitality at the manor farms where he was granted his own room. The estates offered a heart's desire of long walks, places to write and the opportunity to bind floral arrangements and make paper cuts. He would often recite fairytales as a contribution to the evening's entertainment.