HCA NEWS Extraordinary reviews of Hotel Pro Forma

The reviews of the performance "I only appear to be dead" are outstanding. The play premiered in Köln 9 April and will during the summer perform in Copenhagen, Denmark and Venice, Italy.

By awk - H.C. Andersen 2005 - 18 April 2005


Quite simply a fairy tale, but also full of horror and unrest, this performance is extraordinary.


"Kölner Stadt-Anzeiger":
In the ensemble which Hotel Pro Forma puts on the stage lies the potential for dreams. Invariably, one is thinking that every adult once was a child. (...) (Andersen's) inner is confronted with the cold outer - a complicated process. Kirsten Dehlholm stages this process ingeniously. (...) They assume 'talking' postures, but above all they sing - now and then they sing seraphicly beautiful, thus allowing a crude emaciated tone - which denies all ingratiating harmonies - to enter the stage. The Danish National Choir is first class - a top ensemble. (...) The Gregorian and the modern clash, much like Andersen imself experienced the world, which Dehlholm's long, coloured wall of cards lets shine through. (...) Along the rope of destiny rolls the ugly duckling. 'Tweet', and the highly poetical performance with! play, music, art and movement is over.
Big opening night round of applause!


"Frankfurter Rundschau" writes under the headline 'Warm dissonance': The co-production between the Danish National Choir and Hotel Pro Forma is the best evening at Schauspiel Köln in a very long time.


"Kölnische Rundschau" writes:
The poet remains a riddle. (...) Dehlholm leaves a lot of clues. Lego bricks lead to the world of the child which Andersen so
enriched and perhaps never quite left himself. (...) The quiet, spacious and very precisely built scenography is pierced by wonderful music, which like the staging on a whole avoids being importunate towards its object.


Premiere in Denmark: 18 August 2005, Christiansborg Ridehus, Copenhagen
Performances 19 August - 3 September 2005
Premiere in Italy: 22 September, La Biennale di Venezia, Teatro alle Tese, Venice
Performances 22 - 23 September 2005


Christiansborg Ridehus, Christiansborg Ridebane, Copenhagen K, Denmark
18 August - 3 September 2005
Tickets will be available from April 2005
Ticket Hotline: +45 70 15 65 65 (daily 10.00 am. - 9.00 pm.)

La Biennale di Venezia, Teatro alle Tese, Venice, Italy
22 - 23 September 2005
Tickets will be available from April 2005

