HCA NEWS Hans Christian Andersen's Grave

Hans Christian Andersen's grave in Copenhagen is almost 130 years old. This is celebrated by the heritage centre at the cemetery with an exhibition entitled "With death as a travelling companion - Andersen and the cemetery", which will open on 29 March.

By awk - H.C. Andersen 2005 - 23 March 2005

Hans Christian Andersen's last place of rest was, according to his will, at the Copenhagen cemetery Assistens Kirkegaard. This will be commemorated in the bicentennial year with an exhibition of display boards relating Andersen's relationship with death as represented by his literary works, diaries and letters.

Apart from the exhibition, the heritage centre (Kulturcentret Assistens) will also engage in a number of educational activities included guided tours during the year. Three booklets have been issued in Danish and English prior to the opening of the exhibition. The booklets will feature the following themes:

- "T
he true story of Andersen's grave" - by Gitte Lunding Johansen
- "
I feel death in all my limbs - Andersen and the cemetery" - by Caspar Andreas Jørgensen
- "
Andersen among kinsmen and friends at Assistens" - by Christoffer Jørgensen

At the opening, Hanne Siboni will perform songs by Andersen. Hanne Siboni is a descendent in direct line from Giuseppe Siboni, who was choirmaster at the Royal Danish Theatre when Andersen arrived in Copenhagen in 1819.

Courtesy www.assistens.dk

The Andersen exhibition will be on show at the Chapel from 29 March to 18 December 2005.

Tuesday - Sunday from 12 - 16

Entrance fee: DKK 20

For further information on the heritage centre, the exhibitions and publications:

Kulturcentret Assistens
Assistens Kirkegård
Kapelvej 2-4
2200 Copenhagen N

Tel.: 35 37 19 17
or Gitte Lunding at mobile: 50 91 41 37.


In Jackie Wullschlager's Andersen biography we are told that Andersen purchased a grave with room for three people: his friend Edvard Collin and wife Henriette and himself. This story is, however, not quite accurate. Although Andersen was deeply preoccupied with his health and death in general, he never purchased the deeds to a grave. The poet is still a guest of the home he called "the home of home". Andersen lies in the Collin family grave, with Edvard and Henriette nonetheless.
