Source: hcandersen-homepage

H.C. Andersen is synonymous with texts.
On this page you can find a number of full-lengh texts in english about Andersen, written by scholars, and you can find useful information about works of and about Andersen under Theme-related Texts.

This is a typical
textpage. This
particular page is
from Andersens

The texts are meant to inspire teachers when teaching upper secondary students about Andersen but they can also be read by really interested students.

On the Danish site you can find the complete list of texts about Andersen in Danish, English and German.

Also see the new edition of Bloom's Modern Critical Views, where you find a wide selection of secondary texts in english.
Harold Bloom (red.): Bloom's Modern Critical Views. Hans Christian Andersen. Edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom, Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers 2005.

Follow the link Theme-related Texts to find recommendations for further reading and good places to seek Andersens work in english on the internet.

Also see Johan de Mylius' short biography on the general hca2005-site/Life and Work.