Masumi Okada, som er halvt dansk og halvt japansk, er en anerkendt skuespiller i Japan. Han har medvirket i mere end 140 film, inklusiv den verdensberømte film "Shogun", og har altid været med i front indenfor kunst, hvad enten det drejer sig om skuespil, film eller tv. Han har spillet adskillige roller, inklusiv ledende Shakespeare-roller, og har optrådt i musicalen "La Cage au Folles", som blev opført mere en 400 gange. På det seneste har han også vist et talent indenfor varieté-shows. 

Masumi Okadas udtalelse om H.C. Andersen:
"To the future Andersen: Why, why, why? There were many "whys" during my childhood.  And although the years have passed there are still many things I do not understand, but that makes life fascinating. The passion of asking "why" is called "curiosity". I have heard that Andersen's father read many stories to Andersen when he was a child.  A book is a magical thing, and once you turn the pages, you can travel and experience many things. For example, you can fly, talk to flowers and animals, and even live under water. I am sure that Andersen's inspiration and his eternal message of "Love, Courage, Hope, and Dream" grew from his father's storytelling. Anyone who has the curiosity to read books is himself a potential future Andersen."